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Dogs that Don't Shed: Hypoallergenic Dogs Perfect for Your Home

June 08, 2020

Dogs that Don't Shed: Hypoallergenic Dogs Perfect for Your Home

Dogs are incredibly one of the best pets to have. But what if it turns out that you are allergic to these cuddly creatures? Sounds devastating, right? Fortunately, there are hypoallergenic dog breeds that don't shed, so you can still have one without breaking out in hives. 

Nowadays, non-shedding and hypoallergenic dogs are more popular than ever. They are very in-demand given how dog allergies are so common. And, a lot of dog lovers are willing to pay thousands of dollars just to have dogs of this type. 

While there is no such dog that is hypoallergenic, there are some dog breeds that shed fewer allergens than others. If you think shaving your dog will save you, then you are wrong! Don't even think about it. 

This article talks about the low-shedding and hypoallergenic dogs that you can have. It also contains topics on the causes of dog allergies along with ideas on how you can choose the best family dogs that don't shed. 

Child Kissing Her Dog

What Causes Dog Allergies?

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), hypoallergenic dogs are the ones that have a predictable and non-shedding coat. These dogs produce less dander that causes itchy eyes and runny nose. 

Dog allergies are prevalent. In the United States alone, 5 to 30 percent of all Americans have dog allergies. In most cases, dog allergies are severe, most notably those with Asthma. 

While others claim that short-haired dogs shed fewer than long-haired dogs, the truth is, even two dogs of the same breed shed different levels of allergen. It is the dog's dander or dead skin flakes, saliva, or urine that causes dog allergy, not their hair or fur. 

An allergic reaction occurs when your sensitive immune system overreacts to what is a harmless substance - dog's sander, urine, or saliva - and attacks it as if they are a virus or bacteria. 

The allergen sticks into the fur of the dog, which can be transferred into your carpet, wall, cloth, and the like. Danders can remain airborne for a very long time, and it might be on your eyes or lungs already without you knowing it. 

If you are wondering whether you have dog allergy or not, here are some of the most common symptoms to look out for:

  • Rash on the neck, face, or chest
  • Redness of the skin
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breathing
  • Severe asthma attack
  • Wheezing within 15 to 30 minutes from exposure to allergens
  • Itchy nose
  • Swelling eyes

Low-Shedding Dog Breeds 

Lagotto Romagnolo

1. Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto Romagnolo is an Italian water dog that is best known for hunting truffles; thus, they are known as "truffle dogs." Aside from their ability to sniff out this expensive ingredient, they are hypoallergenic too. They have curly fur and lavish facial furnishings. Lagotto Romagnolo dogs are durable workers with their strength and endurance.

Tip: Brush your Lagotto Romagnolo frequently, but they don't need to be bathed often. Twice or thrice a year is enough.

 Irish Water Spaniel

2. Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniel is one of the low shedding small dogs that has been around for centuries already. They are great hunters and are excellent companions too. Based on the American Kennel Club, "the breed's hypoallergenic coat requires brushing every few weeks and trimming every two months to neaten and shape the coat." 

Tip: Brush your Irish Water Spaniel thrice a week to avoid severe matting. 


3. Labradoodle

Labradoodles are a crossbreed of Labrador retrievers and poodles that are not only smart and friendly but are low-shedding small dogs too. These types of dogs are incredibly affectionate and are generally good with children. They are very easy to train and are intelligent and eager to please. They are energetic dogs that require 30 to 60 minutes of exercise every day.

Tip: Trim their nails and brush their hair every week to keep it clean-looking and silky.


4. Schnauzer

Schnauzers are low-shedding family dogs that originated in Germany. They are known for their signature mustache and intelligence and are excellent family companions too.

Schnauzers have square built and wiry coats that shed a little. These types of dogs are agile and athletic and are excellent hunters and retrievers both on land and in water. 

Tip: Schnauzer dogs need hair brushing twice a week and professional grooming twice a year to maintain their wiry double coat.

Shih Tzu

5. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus, otherwise known as Chrysanthemum dogs, are hypoallergenic due to their small size and the need for them to be bathed and groomed frequently. These low shedding-small dogs are of Tibetan Plateau origins but were developed in China. 

Their long-silky coats are what makes them most different from other dogs. Shih Tzus are not hunters or retrievers but are great companions. 

Tip: Brush their hair daily, keep their hair trimmed, and bath them once a month.

Tibetan Terrier

6. Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terrier dogs are one of the best dogs for allergies that are characterized by their shaggy coats that don't shed. Historically, they are used by monks as a gift for "good luck." Tibetan Terriers require frequent grooming to keep their dashing look always. 

They are very friendly, which makes them a great companion and they love being around people. They quickly adapt to different homes and lifestyles too!

Tip: Brush your Tibetan Terrier thrice a week and check for ticks and fleas when the weather is hot or warm.


7. Maltese

Maltese is a low-shedding small dog that has a silky white coat. They are very fluffy, which makes them one of the best family dogs that don't shed. They belong to the toy group, which is perfect for families with children. 

Maltese dogs are vigorous, lively, and playful. They are equipped with button-shaped eyes that give them a bright and glistening look. Maltese dogs are generally gentler than other dogs. 

Tip: Walk your Maltese every day for 20 - 30 minutes to their heart-healthy and to regulate their metabolism. 

Portuguese Water Dog

8. Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dogs are also known as cão de água or dog of water because they were bred from herd fish. They used to serve as a fishing trip crew that retrieves lost gears and herd fishes into the net. 

Nowadays, they make an excellent low-shedding family dog companion that is very bright and biddable. According to the American Kennel Club, Portuguese Water Dogs are working dogs due to their incredible strength and endurance. 

Tip: Brush their hair frequently and bathe them twice or thrice a year to keep them clean.

Hairless Dog Breeds

 American Hairless Terrier

1. American Hairless Terrier

American Hairless Terriers are one of the most sought-after low-shedding family dogs known for their playfulness and intelligence. This type of dog has two varieties - the coated and the hairless. Due to this, they are preferred by dog lovers with or without allergies. 

Taking care of them is very easy, regardless of their variety. American Hairless Terriers are low maintenance dogs that are very friendly and can quickly get along with everyone. On top of that, they are brilliant and easily trainable. 

Tip: Check for ticks and fleas when the weather is warm, bathe them a few times a year. 

Chinese Crested

2. Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested dogs are distinguished by their unique look - small, hairless bodies and adorable furry hairdo. Historically, they were used to catch disease-bearing rats on Chinese trading vessels. Even with their small size, these hypoallergenic dogs are lively and energetic. They love cuddles and are exceptionally amazing companions. They are very affectionate. 

Physically speaking, Chinese Crested dogs have spotted pink skin and are fine-boned and slender. They are very loving in as much as they love to be around children. They are also very gentle and are devoted to their owner. 

Tip: Bathe them twice a week and apply a mild, non-scented lotion after to keep their skin moisturized. 


3. Xoloitzcuintli

Xoloitzcuintli, otherwise known as Xolo, is a low-maintenance dog that originated from the Ancient Aztec thousands of years ago. They are very loyal and alert and a top-notch companion which makes them one of the highly-priced dogs in Mexico. 

Xoloitzcuintli dogs are also excellent watchdogs that can be both protective when needed and tranquil when safe. They have a very comforting body heat which makes them perfect for cuddles without getting itchy eyes and runny nose. 

Tip: Brush weekly with a soft brush and wipe the skin daily with a clean damp cloth to keep them clean.

4. Peruvian Inca Orchid

Peruvian Inca Orchid is a sighthound that is native to the Andes. They are hairless dogs with an adorable mohawk on top of their head. They come in three sizes ranging from small to medium and large. These dogs were once used as a companion since they are loving and protective to their owner. 

They are robust with high endurance and need a lot of daily exercises to keep them fit and happy. They are athletic as seen in their lean and slender figure. Peruvian Inca Orchid dogs are smart too in as much as they are active and alert. 

Tip: Bathe them weekly and apply moisturizer to keep their skin supple. 

5. Argentine Pila Dog

Argentine Pila Dogs are native to Latin America which was believed to be used as an offering from the Incas to strengthen political ties. This dog breed comes in both small and large varieties, which, regardless of their size, are playful and adaptable. 

Argentine Pila Dogs are hairless dog breeds that are affectionate and can quickly adapt to the environment. While most of them are hairless, there are still some Argentine Pila Dogs that have small tufts of fur on their tails on top of their heads. 

Tip: Bathe them twice a week and clean them with a warm damp cloth daily.

6. Abyssinian Sand Terrier

Abyssinian Sand Terriers are known for two things - calm temperament and great exercise buddy. These hypoallergenic dogs are of African descent with long bodies and different skin tones, including black, grey, bronze, and sand. They are not meant to be guard dogs as they bark less. 

Tip: Moisturize their skin with coconut oil and apply pet-friendly sunscreen if needed.

7. Hairless Khala

Hairless Khalas are exceptionally loving low maintenance dogs that are great protectors to their owners. They can either be medium or low-shedding large dogs that have agile movements, with dark grey skin and tufts of white hair on their head. 

Smaller Khalas are sometimes called as "potter," type because of their shorter legs and lesser agility. On the other hand, the larger types are otherwise known as "gazehound," type due to their long legs and graceful stride.

Tip: Hairless Khalas need an occasional bath and trimming their nails is challenging because they are susceptible and resistant.

Hairless Jonangi Dog

8. Jonangi Dog

Native to India, Jonangi Dogs are generally considered as herding and hunting dogs. They are friendly to those who are familiar with them and are wary of strangers. They have varying colors ranging from black to white, fawn, and chocolate. 

They have fox-like features and a distinctive yodel, not a bark. Their forehead is wrinkled and has piebald markings on their lower bodies. 

Tip: Brush Jonangi dogs a few times a week to keep their skin shiny. 

The Love Between Master and Dog

How to Choose the Right Breed 

Choosing the right dog breed is not as easy as it sounds. For once, you are accepting the dog breed whose needs you can provide. Here are some of the things that you have to consider when choosing a dog breed.

Make A Checklist

Regardless of why you want to have a dog, buying it impulsively is not suggested. The dog will become a part of your life and your household, so take your time to think about what you want. Making a checklist is very helpful in order for you to figure out what you exactly want and to know if you have the means to provide what the dog needs.

Two Kids And A Dog

Know The Right Size

Dogs are not one size fits all. What size of dog do you want to own? Are you capable of taking good care of the size of the dog that you want? Do you have enough space for it?

Choosing the right size that is fitted to where you live is a critical point as well. If you have a small space, then a small dog is probably the best choice. But do not be fooled with small dogs. They are generally hyper and need a lot of exercises too. 

The point is, think about the size of the dog that you want which you can handle and house and consider the things that come with it. This way, you will find the best dog size that will suit you and your space. 

Dog Bowls

Be Prepared Financially

Just like humans and any other animals, dogs need maintenance too. Although they are low-maintenance dogs, generally speaking, you will still have to pay for the price for having a dog. Dogs need to get vaccines that you have to pay for. You also have to get them groomed. 

Plus their supplies aren't the cheapest in the world. If you are determined to have a dog, then at least, be prepared to provide them with their needs to keep them safe, clean, and healthy. 


Getting a dog is a big commitment, both financially and emotionally. If you have been a dog owner for a long time, you probably know this already. But all in all, having dogs around is fun, it is worth all the sacrifices that you are doing. Your dog, regardless of its breed, size, or origin, is a bundle of joy not just for you but to your whole family as well. 

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